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Green Hills

Why Competition?

In our society, markets have been subject to the hands of few, rather than the majority; big pharma, big banks, and big tech are just a few examples of the extraordinary corporate concentration defining the American economy. Just as political systems require active representation to function healthily, economies similarly need full participation of businesses, workers, and consumers. Without competition, corporate power struggles lead to politics, threatening economic livelihoods and the essence of American culture.

Green Buildings

Antitrust and Capitalism

Antitrust policy is vital to protecting the pinnacle of capitalism: competition. Competition remains at the heart of the definition of capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit (Merriam-Webster). In order to retain economic opportunity from capitalism, competitive markets are crucial in giving individuals a chance at economic success and options for employment and consumption. Unregulated, uncompetitive markets that limit competition are thereby inhibiting individual's economic opportunities as job-seekers, workers, entrepreneurs, and consumers.

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